Well, it's time I started the slow Wordpress to Habari migration process again, this time with my last remaining Wordpress site: lildude.co.uk, aka this one.

I'm now a member of the PMC and have been "eating my own dog food" ie running other sites on Habari, for quite some time so I really don't have an excuse not to migrate this site across. I could have done it a long time ago, but really didn't have the motivation. For some strange reason some of that motivation has sprouted from somewhere so I'm starting the process today.

I say process as I'm literally starting from scratch today and as with the migration of my personal site, I've got some pedantic desires and ideas that I need to consider and implement as I go along. So over the next few weeks (hopefully not months) you may notice a few subtle changes around here, but hopefully I won't break anything. Of course this will also give me some topics to write about as I migrate.

The first change: bye-bye www and trailing slash.