Due to the ever increasing volume of public vulnerability reports, the CVE Editorial Board and MITRE determined that the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE®) project should change the syntax of its standard vulnerability identifiers so that CVE can track more than 10,000 vulnerabilities in a single year. The old CVE Identifier (CVE-ID) syntax used since the inception of CVE in 1999, CVE-YYYY-NNNN, only supported a maximum of 9,999 unique identifiers per year, requiring the change. The new CVE-ID syntax was determined in a vote by the CVE Editorial Board, details of which are available in the CVE Editorial Board Discussion List Archives. Information about the CVE-ID Syntax Change is included below.

Additional information is included in the "CVE-ID Syntax Change" section on the FAQs page.

Implementation Date

The CVE-ID Syntax Change is scheduled to take effect on January 1, 2014.

CVE - CVE-ID Syntax Change

Worth keeping in mind.