Do One Thing Towards Habari 0.7 Today
Michael C Harris sent this out to the habari-users group earlier today, and I thought I'd post it here to try and spread the word a bit and build up a bit of momentum.
Let's give a little push towards releasing 0.7, by doing one thing today to move Habari forward.
Here's a list of things that you could do.
- Look at the list of tickets left in the 0.7 release and see if you can move one forward (comments, patches, commits, tests). See the list of tickets at
- Improve the release notes, which can be found at Improve (or start) the pages that are linked to in the release notes. Add some screenshots to the pages, where appropriate.
- Find your favorite plugin that outputs to a theme and either add a block or ask someone in #habari to do it.
- Where appropriate, add an area to a theme in -extras. Here's a spreadsheet of the themes, and which ones have areas,
- Update an -extras theme to use a FormUI comment form. The spreadsheet above shows which ones have that too.
There are a few of us who are quite eager to get Habari 0.7 out the door, but there a couple of things that need to be ironed out before it can see the light of day. So jump right in and give us a hand.