Links for 12 Aug 2008 - 3 Sep 2008
Links of interest for 12 Aug 2008 - 3 Sep 2008:
- Carpetbomb bug tarnishes Google Chrome - Ooops. How on earth could the Google chaps have missed this one?
- Google Chrome Considered Harmful - Hmmm, the bad news about Google Chrome is starting to come to light now.
- Google Chrome, Google's Browser Project - Oooo, sounds like Firefox may have a new competitor. Now how long before we get a Solaris/OpenSolaris version?
- iPhone passwords not worth the paper they're written on - Ooops. This certainly won't help Apple make inroads into the business market.
- The latest Xeon and OpenSolaris - in 5 minutes - A little bit about how Solaris/OpenSolaris will take advantage of Intel's upcoming X7400 series Xeon processors
- Olympic Fail: Blue Screen of Death Strikes Bird's Nest During Opening Ceremonies Torch Lighting - Ooops. Should have used a better OS ;-)