Links for 20 May 2010 - 30 Jun 2010
Links of interest for 20 May 2010 - 30 Jun 2010:
- Sun’s Lost Intel-Chip Killer - Bits Blog - - So that's why Sun bought Montalvo. Somehow I don't think Sun would have been able to make the return on these had they come to market, but nice to know Sun's untold ambitions are coming to light.
- LCA: How to destroy your community [] - Oh how true.
- Why the Digital Economy Act simply won't work - I think Cory Doctorow sums it up beautifully at the end... "Once you swallow a spider to catch a fly, you're on a course to swallow a bird to catch the spider, a cat to catch the bird, and so on until you swallow a horse – and every toddler knows that happens next."
- Merging the Solaris Recommended and Sun Alert Patch Clusters - Patch Corner - Take note peeps. I can predict I'll be having this discussion with many customers in June.
- OpenSolaris Forums : An Important Message From Oracle - Looks like the ball may finally be starting to roll with Oracle and OpenSolaris. Looks like Oracle may have some big plans up it's sleeves and we'll find out more in the next few weeks.