Links for 5 Mar 2008 - 12 Mar 2008
Links of interest for 5 Mar 2008 - 12 Mar 2008:
- iPhone rules pose Net neutrality, antitrust concerns - I just knew the iPhone SDK sounded too good to be true. It seems the license allows you to do "this", but not "that", nor "that", oh and "the other thing" isn't allowed either. Why release an SDK if you can't develop to your heart's content? I was really
- Snap Sun decision launches Java at iPhone - Cool. No hopefully people will start creating some useful Java apps for the iPhone (and other phones) and not just games.
- Acid3 Test Released - Acid2 Test was the standard for web browsers to meet and they're all finally starting to pass that test. Now Acid3 is here, a lot more work is required. At the mo, Firefox 3 fairs the best.
- Welcome to Open AIM! - Cool!!! AOL have opened up AIM to the world. Now things like Pidgin, Adium and other 3rd party clients can legitimately access the AIM network, and even get help doing it instead of reverse engineering. Nice one AOL.
- OpenSolaris to adopt Flask/TE security scheme - Looks like OpenSolaris will be getting Mandatory Access Control that should be inter-operable with SELinux.